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Hannigan and Prentice: The Companies Act 2006 - A Commentary 2nd ed

Edited by: Brenda Hannigan, Dan Prentice

ISBN13: 9781405744492
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781405718820
Published: August 2009
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Companies Act 2006 contains some of the most far-reaching changes in company law for more than 150 years. This timely and practical guide to the new Act provides guidance on the key wide-ranging reforms of the new regime in an accessible format complete with detailed commentary.

Written by an experienced, respected and successful author team, this title truly contains all you need to know about the new Companies Act.

Company Law
1. Introduction/Overview of the Act
2. Constitution, capacity issues
3. Directors' duties
4. Conflict of interest: directors' duties
5. Derivative actions
6. Accounts and audit
7. Communications and meetings
8. Share capital and maintenance
9. Takeovers