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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Restructuring Law and Practice 2nd ed isbn 9781405754712

Restructuring Law and Practice

ISBN13: 9781405735025
New Edition ISBN: 9781405754712
Published: June 2008
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This book is the how-to bible for restructuring. The recent credit crunch and upheaval in markets looks set to drive an increase in restructurings, with legal and banking institutions preparing for a deluge of such work. No other book covers the practical aspects of out of court restructurings covering the consensual arena or looks at the law and practice in sustained and systematic way.

Howard and Hedger bring a coherent and comprehensive approach to the complex practice of restructuring in the UK and beyond. The book also benefits from detailed analysis of the directors duties aspects post-CA 2006, application of International Accounting Standards, going concern issues and detailed coverage of rights issues.

  • First and only commentary on the steps practitioners need to take in a restructuring
  • Practical, transactional focus combining a banking industry authority and a legal expert
  • Guides readers through the practical steps of the transaction, warning what to look out for and advising re documents
  • Gives insights into the documentation and all the practical actions that need to be taken

Insolvency Law, Company Law, Banking and Finance
Restructuring Practice;
Public Disclosure of Information by Corporates Undergoing a Financial Restructuring;
Role of the Co-ordinator, Distribution Agent and Security Trustee in a Restructuring;
The Importance of Valuations;
Shadow Directorship and the Restructuring Process