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Securitisation Law: EU and US Disclosure Regulations

ISBN13: 9781405734486
Published: June 2009
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Providing key guidance on the process of securitisation, this comprehensive title explains in detail exactly what practitioners need to know. Featuring the most up-to-date commentary, Securitisation Law: EU and US Disclosure Regulations cuts through this complicated process using practical aids such as flow charts and checklists. The book also contains a discussion on the latest case law (including case studies) and critical legal issues.

The book also features:

  • Analysis of the recent securities regulations regarding asset backed securities disclosures in the US and EU, providing an understanding of the differences in regulatory reporting requirements between jurisdictions
  • Discussion of the various types of asset-backed structures that have been created over the last 30 years
  • Analysis of the major legal decisions in the US and EU regarding securitisation transactions, including such cases as Enron, Parmalat and the recent sub-prime problem

Banking and Finance
PART I: Asset backed securities regulations
US Regulation AB: interpretation, comment and forms
EU Prospectus Directive
EU Prospectus Regulation
European national guidelines
PART II: Deal structures
Basic securitisation structure
Original pass-through structures 1970s US
Corporate SPE versus Trust SPE
Real life examples of major asset-backed securities transactions and precedents
PART III: Legal Cases
Case studies
Precedent clauses