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Halsbury's Laws of England Set 5th Edition

Edited by: The Right Honourable Lord MacKay of Clashfern

ISBN13: 9781405734394
Published: March 2014
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback & Looseleaf
Price: £23172.00

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

Why a 5th edition?

  • To present the law in subject areas that makes sense in the 21st Century reflecting major changes inthe legal landscape.
  • To combine modern arrangements of titles with Halsbury's unrivalled authority reinforcing the vale and relevance that the content has to all practitioners.
  • The new arrangement of titles means a work which is as relevant and essential as ever.
  • A Current service which is easy to use and will be binder free from May 2008
Halsbury's Laws of England covers the whole spectrum of English law and is designed to enable practitioners to answer the full range of questions likely to arise in the course of their work, especially those which fall outside their own fields of expertise.

It provides the only comprehensive narrative statement of the law of England and Wales, containing law derived from every source, and written by leading lawyers, both practitioners and academics, to ensure readers benefit from a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Halsbury's Laws of England covers every proposition of English law (whether statutory or common law), and is divided into alphabetically arranged titles, making it convenient to use and enabling quick and easy research into any area of law.

The fourth edition of Halsbury's Laws was published in 56 volumes between 1973 and 1987, (now 80 volumes) with selective reissues between 1988 and 1998 under the editorship of the Rt Hon Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain (1970 to 1974 and 1979 to 1987).

Reissue volumes since August 1998 are published under the editorship of the Rt Hon Lord Mackay of Clashfern, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain (1987 to 1997).

Halsbury’s Laws of England is regularly updated by an annual Cumulative Supplement and a monthly service. An Abridgment volume summarising the legal developments of each year is also published every May and volumes are reissued as and when justified by the changes in the law and charged for separately on publication.

The complete set consists of over 80 text volumes, a consolidated table of cases (in two volumes), consolidated tables of statutes and statutory instruments (in two volumes), and a consolidated index (in three volumes). The Annual Cumulative Supplement and Annual Abridgment volumes are charged for separately on publication, as are new editions of the index and tables.

From Spring 2008, new replacement volumes of Halsbury's Laws will be issued as a Fifth edition, and will continue to be published and updated as before. Two looseleaf binders, containing the Noter-up, Monthly Reviews and other current material, are charged annually.

Law Reports New, Major Works
12 Issues per year;;
Halsburys Laws of England is regularly updated by an annual Cumulative Supplement and a monthly service.
An Abridgment volume summarising the legal developments of each year is also published every May and volumes are reissued as and when justified by the changes in the law and charged for separately on publication.
The complete set consists of over 80 text volumes, a consolidated table of cases, a consolidated table of statutes and statutory instruments, and a consolidated index (in two volumes).
The Annual Cumulative Supplement and Annual Abridgment volumes are charged for separately on publication, as are new editions of the index and tables.
Two looseleaf binders, containing the Noter-up, Monthly Reviews and other current material, are charged annually.