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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Fisher and Lightwood's Law of Mortgage 13th ed isbn 9781405748070

Fisher and Lightwood's Law of Mortgage 12th ed 1st supplement

Edited by: Wayne Clark

ISBN13: 9781405734134
New Edition ISBN: 9781405748070
Published: July 2008
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This supplement to Fisher and Lightwood’s Law of Mortgage will fully update the twelfth edition to take account of all recent developments in legislation and cases, including:

  • Full implications of the enactment of the Consumer Credit Act 2006
  • Recent key House of Lords cases (eg Halifax Plc v Okin)
  • Effect of review of the mortgage conduct of business rules
  • Effect of the implementation of the Housing Act 2004 and Companies Act 2006
  • Implications of Regulatory Reform (Agricultural Tenancies) (England and Wales) Order 2006

Property Law, Banking and Finance, Supplements
1. Mortgages and other securities generally
2. Mortgages of Unregistered Land
3. Mortgages of Unregistered Land
4. Registration of mortgages of unregistered land
5. Mortgages of registered land
6. Charges
7. Form and contents of mortgage deed
8. The extent of the security
9. Execution and custody of deeds
10. Variation of the mortgage
11. Judgments
12. Charging orders
13. Statutory charges
14. Vendor’s lien
15. Forfeiture and surrender of leasehold security
16. Mortgages of chattels
17. Mortgages of things in action
18. Debentures
19. Agricultural mortgages and charges
20. Consumer credit agreements and securities
21. Second and subsequent mortgages
22. Parties to mortgages
23. Void or imperfect securities
24. Transfer and devolution of mortgages
25. Sub-mortgages
26. The mortgagee’s remedies
27. The personal remedy
28. The appointment of a receiver
29. The mortgagee’s right to possession
30. The mortgagee’s power of sale out of court
31. Judicial sale
32. Foreclosure
33. Insolvency of mortgagor
34. Priorities of mortgages
35. Mortgages of the legal estate: unregistered land
36. Mortgages of the legal estate: registered land
37. Priority between equitable incumbrances
38. Tacking
39. Mortgages of equitable interests: the rule in Dearle v Hall
40. Priorities: miscellaneous
41. Priority agreements
42. Loss of priority: notice
43. Priority: subrogation
44. Incidence on the death of the mortgagor
45. Incidence as between different properties
46. Consolidation
47. Redemption
48. Redemption claims
49. The release of the debt or security
50. Waiver
51. Merger
52. Destruction or loss of the property and repudiation
53. Discharge or modification by statute
54. Accounts
55. Costs
56. Taxes