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Butterworths Employment Law: Practice, Procedure & Precedents 5th ed

Edited by: Naomi Ellenbogen, Barry Mordsley, Christopherl Osman, Timothy Brennan

ISBN13: 9781405727693
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406972648
Published: December 2007
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback & CD-ROM
Price: Out of print

Formerly known as the Butterworths Employment Law Guide, Butterworths Employment Law: Practice, Procedure and Precedents provides answers to specific practitioner questions by the use of checklists and precedents.

The work is divided into four main sections and by means of succinct coverage of the law is designed to help busy practitioners find just what they need. In addition it perfectly complements the collection of legislative materials contained in Butterworths Employment Law Handbook.

Employment Law
1. The Creation of the Contract of Employment
2. The termination of the contract of employment
3. Remedies for breach of the contract of employment
4. Obligations which survive the termination of the contract
5. Pay, pensions and other benefits
6. Particulars of terms of employment
7. The concept of continuity of employment
8. Transfer of undertakings
9. Statutory sick pay
10. Maternity
11. Guarantee payments
12. Medical suspension
13. Time off work and flexible working
14. Insolvency
15. A week's pay
16. Working time
17. The right to receive a written statement of reasons for dismissal
18. The right to statutory notice on termination of employment
19. Unfair dismissal
20. Redundancy
21. Discrimination - the European dimension
22. The framework of equal opportunities law in Britain
23. Equal pay
24. Sex and race discrimination
25. Disability discrimination
New for this edition:Precedents
Disciplinary/Capability/Dismissal Procedure
Disciplinary/Capability - Notification as to outcome of appeal
Disciplinary -Notification as to outcome of disciplinary hearing
Maternity leave and maternity pay policy
Letter confirming details of leave
Standard Employment Contract
Statement of Particulars of Employment under Section 1 Employment Rights Act 1996