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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Williams on Wills 10th ed with 2nd Supplement isbn 9781405790512

Williams on Wills 9th ed

Edited by: Francis Barlow, Christopher Sherrin, Richard Wallington, Susannah Meadway, Michael Waterworth

ISBN13: 9781405725835
New Edition ISBN: 9781405790512
Previous Edition ISBN: 040693391X
Published: December 2013
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback & CD-ROM, 2 Volumes & Supplement
Price: Out of print

This book covers every aspect of the modern law of wills and is considered to be the definitive practitioner textbook on this area of the law.

The new edition contains an extensive collection of precedents, both of complete wills and of separate clauses used in wills. It provides a selection of relevant statutes and includes new sections on post-death instruments and the treatment of foreign property.

Williams on Wills Ninth edition is fully updated to cover all the changes in legislation since the previous edition. In-depth drafting notes to the precedents assist practitioners in creating the most suitable wills for their clients.

  • The 4th Supplement was published in December 2013
  • The 3rd Supplement was published in December 2012
  • The 2nd Supplement was published in August 2010
  • The 1st Supplement was published in July 2009
  • The Main Work was published in February 2008

Wills and Probate
VOLUME ONE: Law of Wills
PART A: Nature of Wills.
PART B: Capacity and Disposing Intent.
PART C: What dispositions may be made. PART D: Form of Will and execution.
PART E: Revocation Republication and revival of Wills.
PART F: Wills with foreign element.
PART G: Executors,Trustees and Guardians.
PART H: Content of Wills.
PART I: Failure of gifts.
PART J: Construction of Wills. General Principles.
PART K: Construction of Wills
Particular rules relating to property.
PART L: Construction of Wills
Particular wills relating to persons.
PART M: Construction of wills
Particular rules relating to beneficial interests.
PART N:Charities.
PART O:Intestacy.
PART P: Family Provision.
VOLUME TWO: Precedents & Statutes
PART A :Introductory Note.
PART B: Clauses in Wills.
PART C: Forms of complete Wills.
PART D: Codicils.
PART E: Statutory Will forms.
PART F: Non-testamentary instruments.
PART G: Statutes.