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White, Carr and Lowe: The Children Act in Practice 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781405725354
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406940037
Published: October 2008
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Now in its 4th edition, White Carr & Lowe: The Children Act in Practice is the best selling, one volume guide to the Children Act 1989. The Act is produced in full and annotated in a straightforward and helpful way to assist in interpretation, together with a detailed commentary, which considers the legislation as it operates today.

Building on the success of the Third Edition the new edition is brought fully up to date with all relevant legislative and case law developments since 2002.

  • The title has been extensively amended and updated to reflect the relevant legislative and case law developments since the last edition.
  • Helpful and straightforward annotations are included to assist in the interpretation together with a detailed commentary that considers the legislation as it now operates in practice.
  • The Act and the Family Proceedings Rules, as amended, are reproduced in full.
  • The book includes detailed discussion of the Family Justice System.
  • The application of human rights; in relation to care and supervision proceedings.
  • The Public Law Outline governing case management.
  • The threshold criteria following the House of Lords decision in Re B (Children)(sexual abuse: standard of proof).
  • Special guardianship; and fresh analysis of parental responsibility of unmarried fathers.
  • The logical and coherent structure makes the book easy to follow and will prove invaluable to all those who deal with the day-to-day application of the legislation.

Family Law
1. Introduction
2. General principles
3. Parental responsibility and guardianship
4. Work in the courts
5. Private law orders
6. Local authority support for children and families
7. Assessment, investigation and emergency protection
8. The care system
9. Secure accommodation
10. Child representation and welfare reporting
11. Evidence
12. Wardship and the High Court’s inherent jurisdiction
13. Challenging decisions
14. Conclusions