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Housing: The New Law: A Practical Guide to the Housing Act 2004

ISBN13: 9781405712392
Published: April 2007
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This practical new title from LexisNexis Butterworths is the first text to provide a full narrative guide to the Housing Act 2004, providing detailed analysis and commentary on the new law and its impact on practice.

Using examples, flow charts and summaries to demonstrate the practical implications of the new law in a digestible format, the book examines all the primary and secondary legislation ensuring practitioners are fully up-to-date with all the latest law and practice.

The Housing Act 2004 is the most radical measure to affect private sector housing and private landlords for decades. This is an essential work for all practitioners who will have to apply the new legislation.

Housing Law
Chapter 1: Introduction and overview;
PART 1 Housing Standards;
Chapter 2: Overview of the HA 2004 and the Regulations;
Chapter 3: The new Housing, Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS): how it is applied;
Chapter 4: Local authority action: procedures, notices and appeals;
Chapter 5: How landlords and tenants can challenge local authorities;
PART 2: Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs);
Chapter 6: HMOs: the new law, how HMOs are defined and the role of local authorities;
Chapter 7: HMOs; local authority procedures, notices and appeals;
Chapter 8: Additional licensing of HMOs by local authorities;
Chapter 9: How landlords and tenants can challenge local authority HMO decisions;
PART 3: Selective licensing of private landlords;
Chapter 10: Scope and ambit of these new powers;
Chapter 11: Local authority procedures, Government consents;
Chapter 12: The position of landlords and tenants;
PART 4: Additional Control provisions over private housing;
Chapter 13: Interim and final management orders;
Chapter 14: Empty Dwelling Orders and Overcrowding orders;
Chapter 15: The position of landlords and tenants;
PART 5: Home information Packs;
Chapter 16: HIPs the new law and practice;
PART 6: Other housing provisions;
Chapter 17: Anti-social Behaviour measures;
Chapter 18: Changes to the Right to Buy;
Chapter 19: Mobile Homes;
Chapter 20: Tenancy deposit Schemes;
Chapter 21: Miscellaneous housing changes;
PART 7: The role of the Residential Property Tribunal;
Chapter 22: Procedures, appeals and notices: the new role of the RPT service;
Chapter 23: Conclusions and an assessment of the Housing Act 2004;
APPENDICES: Text of the Act and secondary materials