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Voluntary Arrangements 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781405710688
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406946000
Published: April 2007
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Bailey: Voluntary Arrangements has been fully updated to cover all the recent developments in this field – the fastest growing area of insolvency. This readable and portable work has also been expanded to cover the law and practice relating to applications, appeals and reviews in voluntary arrangement proceedings, the EC Regulation 1346/2000 on Insolvency Proceedings, and the Cross-Border regulations.

Now in its second edition, Voluntary Arrangements provides expert guidance from one of the leading experts in the field, in addition to all relevant source material and a wide range of precedents.

Insolvency Law
1. Introduction;
2. The IVA: with or without interim order;
3. The proposal;
4. Preparation of proposal by office-holder;
5. CVA (without moratorium) and IVA: from proposal to creditors’ meeting;
6. CVA with moratorium: procedure to creditors’ meeting;
7. Consideration of proposal: creditors’ meeting;
8. Challenge to arrangement;
9. Effect of approval of voluntary arrangement;
10. Implementation of arrangement;
11. Failure of voluntary arrangements;
12. The death of the debtor;
13. Partnership voluntary arrangements;
14. Applications in voluntary arrangement proceedings;
15. Appeals and reviews;
16. EC Regulation 1346/2000;
17. Cross-border model law;
18. Impact on the Human Rights Act;
19. Criminal liability in connection with voluntary arrangements;
20. Deeds of arrangement;