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The Competition Appeal Tribunal: Practice and Procedure

ISBN13: 9781405700108
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

Publication Abandoned
The Competition Appeal Tribunal - Practice and Procedure is the only title containing all the information regarding this new tribunal in one book. It provides an authoritative commentary on the sources of jurisdiction of the new Competition Appeal Tribunal, the principles on which it makes decisions, and the practice and procedure governing the Tribunal's hearings.

This title truly is the first port of call for any lawyer considering making an appeal to the Competition Appeal Tribunal or advising a company which may be affected by a relevant decision of the Competition Commission, the OFT, or sectoral regulators for telecommunications, railways and public utilities. It's also of use to regulators preparing to defend their decisions at the CAT.