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Encyclopedia of Global Justice

Edited by: Deen K. Chatterjee

ISBN13: 9781402091599
Published: February 2012
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Hardback, 2 Volumes
Price: £449.99

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This two-volume Encyclopedia of Global Justice, published by Springer, along with Springer's book series, Studies in Global Justice, is a major publication venture toward a comprehensive coverage of this timely topic. The Encyclopedia is an international, interdisciplinary, and collaborative project, spanning all the relevant areas of scholarship related to issues of global justice, and edited and advised by leading scholars from around the world. The wide-ranging entries present the latest ideas on this complex subject by authors who are at the cutting edge of inquiry.

The Encyclopedia sets the tone and direction of this increasingly important area of scholarship for years to come. The entries number around 500 and consist of essays of 300 to 5000 words. The inclusion and length of entries are based on their significance to the topic of global justice, regardless of their importance in other areas.

Concepts/Theories.- Basic Needs.- Capabilities Ethics.- Environmental Justice.- Retribution.- Social Contract.- Persons/Thinkers .- Arendt, Hannah.- Habermas, Jurgen.- Laozi.- Rawls, John.- Sen, Amartya.- Institutions/Organizations.- European Union (EU).- High Road for Human Rights.- International Criminal Court (ICC).- The Pax Natura Foundation.- TheWorld Bank.- Trends/Movements/Policies/Treaties .- Ecofeminism Foreign Aid.- Population Politics.- Truth Commissions.- Vienna Declaration on Human Rights.