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Law, Surveillance and the Humanities (eBook)

Edited by: Anne Brunon Ernst, Jelena Gligorijevic, Desmond Manderson, Claire Wrobel

ISBN13: 9781399505116
Published: April 2023
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £89.00
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What do Margaret Atwood or Gulliver’s Travels have to do with Facebook, Tik Tok or COVID-19 and issues of surveillance?

  • Covers a range of topical issues ranging from the security state and the power of tech industries, to COVID-19 and the role of surveillance in the experience of indigenous peoples in post-colonial societies Compares legal frameworks and offers an overview of surveillance in France, the UK, US, Canada and Australia
  • Draws on a range of resources including literary texts, such as Jonathan Raban’s Surveillance, Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm and The Testaments and Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels
  • Examines the key concepts involved in surveillance studies, including surveillance itself, privacy, identity, trust, consent, agency and security

The growing sophistication of surveillance practices has given rise to concerns and discussions in the public sphere, but has also provided a popular theme in literature, film and the arts. Bringing together contributors across literary studies, law, philosophy, sociology, and politics, this book examines the use, evolution, legitimacy, and implications of surveillance.

Drawing on a range of resources including literary texts, chapters explore key issues such as the use and legitimacy of surveillance to address a global health crisis, the role of surveillance in the experience of indigenous peoples in post-colonial societies, how surveillance interacts with gender race, ethnicity, and social class, and the interaction between technology, surveillance, and changing attitudes to expression. It shows how literature contributes innovative ways of thinking about the challenges posed by surveillance, how philosophy and sociology can help to correct biases and law and politics can offer new approaches to the legitimacy, use and implications of surveillance.

eBooks, Privacy and Confidentiality, Law and Literature
Introduction: Watcher, Watching, Watched, Anne Brunon-Ernst, Jelena Gligorijević, Desmond Manderson and Claire Wrobel
1. Surveillance and its Ambiguities, Philippe Sabot 
2. Surveillance, Utopia and Satire in Eighteenth-Century British Literature, Alexis Tadié
3. Digital Technology during Times of Crisis – Risks to Society and Fundamental Rights, Yves Poullet 
4. Privacy as Liberty and Security: Implications for the Legitimacy of Governmental Surveillance, Jelena Gligorijević
5. Panopticon as a Surveillance Model, Anne Brunon-Ernst 
6. Online Undercover Investigations and the Role of Private Third Parties, Peter Grabosky and Gregor Urbas
7. Space and Surveillance in Jonathan Raban’s novel Surveillance (2006), Aliette Ventéjoux
8. Safe Cities – The French Experience, Lucie Cluzel-Métayer 
9. Black Futures Matter: Racial Foresight from the Slave Ship to Predictive Policing, Georgiana Banita 
10. Fear of the Dark: The Racialised Surveillance of Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Rachel Joy
11. Policing and Surveillance of the Margins: The Challenges of Homelessness in California, Yvonne-Marie Rogez 
12. Gender and Surveillance in Margaret Atwood's Novels, from Bodily Harm (1981) to The Testaments (2019), Claire Wrobel 