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Handbook for Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councillors New Revised and Updated

ISBN13: 9781399415934
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781399409391
Published: February 2024
Publisher: Bloomsbury Continuum
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £16.99

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A revised and updated edition of the authoritative handbook for both newly elected and existing churchwardens.

First published in 1921, this handbook has sold over a million copies and has become the standard guide for churchwardens and members of PCCs. It is indispensable for all who wish to tread a clear path through the sometimes complex legislation and know the extent of their responsibility as elected Church officers.

This new edition has been fully updated to take into account several new developments:

Changes in ecclesiastical law, including:

  • the revision of the Pastoral Measure 1983
  • the Dioceses' Pastoral and Mission Measure 2008
  • the new power to make Bishop's Mission Orders
  • the introduction of Clergy Terms of Service

The Legal Advisory Commission's recommendations on PCCs' powers and duties

Health and Safety issues

Flowcharts and checklists add to the usefulness of this volume, as do photocopiable legal forms and notices for practical purposes in parishes.

Ecclesiastical Law
1. The Constitution of the Church 2. The Courts of the Church 3. Faculties 4. The Parish 5. The Parochial Clergy 6. The Patron and Patronage 7. The Office of Churchwarden 8. The Functions of Churchwardens 9. Other Lay Officers 10. Parochial Church Meetings and Councils 11. Powers and Responsibilities of Parochial Church Councils 12. Conduct of Meetings