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Black's Medical Dictionary 43rd ed

Edited by: Harvey Marcovitch, Blacks

ISBN13: 9781399412315
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781472943071
Published: June 2023
Publisher: Bloomsbury Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £40.00

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This is a reprint of the 43rd edition published in 2017.

Black's Medical Dictionary has been the best-selling medical dictionary for over 100 years. It is invaluable as a home reference and for all who need clear explanation of medical terms: nurses, health care professionals and students, health service management, actuaries, lawyers and journalists.

It contains over 5000 definitions and descriptions of medical terms and concepts with over 1000 diagrams, drawings and colour illustrations. It also provides helpful appendices on common medical tests and procedures, travel and health, measurements in medicine, health economics, complementary and alternative medicine, and an address list of support professional organisations.

Medical Law and Bioethics

Dictionary 1–732

1. Basic first aid 733
2. Addresses: sources of information, advice, support and self-help 737
3. Travel and health 745
4. Common medical tests and procedures 747
5. Vitamins 751
6. Measurements in medicine 754
7. Statutory organisations 757
8. Professional organisations 760
9. Health-policy research organisations 763
10. Note on 'Swine flu' 765