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Party Wall Disputes - The PartyWall etc. Act 1996 and Beyond: Legal Coherence and Dispute Management

ISBN13: 9781394274963
To be Published: April 2025
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

An accessible roadmap to the complexities of party wall disputes

Party Walls: Legal Coherence, Disputes and Management meets the need for an explicit roadmap to the main areas of law and fact relevant to party walls:

  • Statutes, including a detailed analysis of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, and related legislation,
  • Property rights, such as rights of way, rights of support, drainage rights and rights linked to easements,
  • Tort, such as nuisance related to noise and vibration and breaches of rights to light, and
  • Factual matters, such as structural issues

In addition, this book maps out the available dispute management options, both under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 as well as alternative dispute resolution methods (such as arbitration, mediation, medi-arb, expert determination, early neutral evaluation). The result is an invaluable resource for lawyers, construction professionals, academics and property owners who encounter or are interested in party wall disputes.

Property Law