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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Tort Law 2nd ed isbn 9781509971855

Tort Law

ISBN13: 9781352011418
New Edition ISBN: 9781509971855
Published: March 2021
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Written by leading academics, this exciting new student-focused textbook offers readers a comprehensive understanding of tort law and enables them to become confident critical thinkers. Accessible and thought-provoking, Tort Law combines clear explanations of core legal principles and recent legal developments with lively discussions of key academic perspectives. Extended problem questions, flowcharts and relatable examples help students to understand how law works in a practical context and prepares them for success in assignments and exams. Engaging pedagogical boxes, such as ‘Viewpoint’ and ‘Making Connections’, encourage students to develop their own critical thinking practice and appreciate how Tort Law interacts with other areas of the core law curriculum.

Comprehensive and student-friendly with engaging visual features, Tort Law is an essential companion for all undergraduate Tort Law modules, for students of all abilities.

Tort Law
1. Introduction
Part 1: The Tort of Negligence
2. Duty of care
3. Pure economic loss
4. Psychiatric injury
5. Breach of duty
6. Causation
7. Remoteness
Part 2: Torts Relating to Land and Goods
8. Occupiers’ Liability
9. Nuisance and the Rule in Rylands v Fletcher
10. Product Liability
Part 3: Intentional Torts
11. Economic torts
12. Intentional torts to the person
Part 4: Defamation and Privacy
13. Defamation
14. Privacy
Part 5: General Matters
15. Vicarious liability
16. Defences
17. Damages.