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Law, Lawyering and Legal Education: Building an Ethical Profession in a Globalizing World (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781317644651
Published: September 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Once a highly cosmopolitan profession, law was largely domesticated by the demands of the Westphalian state. But as the walls between sovereign states are lowered, law is globalizing in a way that is likely to change law, lawyering and legal education as much over the next 30 years - when the students entering law schools today reach the peak of their profession - as it has over the last 300. This book provides a sustained investigation of the theoretical and practical aspects of legal practice and education, synthesizing and developing nearly thirty years of Professor Sampford's critical thought, analysis and academic leadership. The book features two major areas of investigation.

First, it explains the significance of the 'critical', 'theoretical' and 'ethical' dimensions of legal education and legal practice in making more effective practitioners - placing ethics and values at the heart of the profession. Second, it explores the old/new challenges and opportunities for ethical lawyers. Challenges include those for lawyers working in large organisations dealing with issues from international tax minimisation to advising governments bent on war. Opportunities range from the capacity to give client's ethical advice to playing a key role in the emergence of an international rule of law as they had to the 'domestic' rule of law.

The book should stimulate great interest and occasional passion for legal practitioners, students, teachers and researchers of law, lawyering, legal practice and legal institutions. Its inter-disciplinary approaches should be of interest to those with interests in education theory, international relations, political science and government, professional ethics, sociology, public policy and governance studies.

Professional Conduct and Ethics, eBooks
1. Dancing Around the Vortex: A Personal Introduction
(Charles Sampford)

Part I: Legal Education, Theory and Ethics
2. Law, Ethics and Institutional Reform: Finding Philosophy, Displacing Ideology
(Charles Sampford)
3. "Theoretical Dimensions" of Legal Education
(Charles Sampford (with David Wood))
4. Reflection: Philosophy in legal education: Promises and perils
(Hugh Breakey and Charles Sampford)

Part II: Australian Law Schools after Pearce – a case study in educating critical, theoretical and ethical lawyers?
5. Revisiting Pearce
(Charles Sampford)
6. Reflections on a Respectable Revolution
(Charles Sampford)
7. Law Student Numbers: Reassessing the Issues
(Charles Sampford (with Christine Parker))
8. Reflections on developments in Legal education
(Charles Sampford)

Part III: Legal Ethics: Opportunities and Challenges in Education & Practice
9. What’s a Lawyer doing in a nice place like this?
(Charles Sampford)
10. Educating Lawyers to be Ethical Advisers
(Charles Sampford (with Sophie Blencowe))
11. The Ethics of Employed lawyers
(Charles Sampford)
12. Reflection: Educating Ethical Lawyers
(Hugh Breakey and Charles Sampford)
13. Reflection: New Challenges to Ethical Practice
(Charles Sampford)

Part IV: Legal ethics in a globalizing world
14. Get New Lawyers!
(Charles Sampford)
15. More and more lawyers but still no judges
(Charles Sampford)
16. Goldsmith’s Delinquent Client
(Charles Sampford)
17. Professions without Borders: Global Ethics and the International Rule of Law
(Charles Sampford)
18. Reflection: New Challenges and opportunities for law, lawyering and legal education
(Charles Sampford)

Series: Challenges of Globalisation

Access to International Justice ISBN 9781138238244
Published November 2016
Institutional Supports for the International Rule of Law (eBook) ISBN 9781317637530
Published August 2014
Out of print
Institutional Supports for the International Rule of Law ISBN 9780415857369
Published August 2014
Globalisation and the Rule of Law ISBN 9780415429719
Published December 2006
Globalisation and the Rule of Law ISBN 9780415326551
Published November 2004