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Spaces of Justice: Positions, Passages, Appropriations (eBook)

Edited by: Chris Butler, Edward Mussawir

ISBN13: 9781317355366
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This book offers a unique collection of perspectives that together pursue deeper theoretical connections between space and justice than much current work within legal geography. Drawing on theoretical influences that include Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Henri Lefebvre, Gillian Rose, Elias Canetti, Doreen Massey, Antonio Negri and Yan Thomas, the contributors to this book conduct a series of jurisprudential, aesthetic and political inquiries into ‘just’ modes of occupying space, and the ways in which space comes under the sign of law.

Bringing together leading scholars and practitioners in the field of law with theorists from other disciplines, Spaces of Justice articulates important connections between law and architectural theory, the creative arts, geography and cultural studies. It will, then, be of considerable interest to anyone within these disciplines concerned with the normative dimensions of law’s ‘spatial turn’.

Jurisprudence, eBooks
1. Interrogating spaces of justice: law, aesthetics and politics, Chris Butler and Edward Mussawir

Part 1: Positions
2. The island’s ground: law, space, bodies, Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos
3. Monumental architecture and the coroner’s courthouse: constructing a place for the dead in the nineteenth century city, Marc Trabsky
4. The space of legal procedure: fiction and jurisprudence in Franz Kafka’s The Trial, Edward Mussawir

Part 2: Passages
5. Mourning place, Olivia Barr
6. The curvature of the common, Anne Bottomley
7. Relational infrastructures? Temporary urbanism, alternative architecture and the construction of encounter, Lee Stickells and Amelia Thorpe

Part 3: Appropriations
8. Right-ing and the crowd, Illan rua Wall
9. Artists and spatial justice: Is the luxury high-rise my fault? Zanny Begg
10. Space, justice and politics, Chris Butler