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Synesthetic Legalities: Sensory Dimensions of Law and Jurisprudence (eBook)

Edited by: Sarah Marusek

ISBN13: 9781317047254
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £39.99
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Synesthesia is the phenomenon where sensual perceptions are joined together as a combined experience, that is the ability to feel color, hear the visual, or even smell emotion. These types of unions expand the normativity of our legal thinking, as the abilities to represent the tethering of emotion, place, and concept to law are magnified. In this way, interpretations of law and legal phenomena that are enriched with embodied meaning contribute to our understanding of how law works, namely through sensory input, sensory output, and the attachment that happens within these sensory unions.

This edited volume explores the richly complex manifestations of synesthesia and law drawing from a plurality of approaches, including legal studies, philosophy, social science, linguistics, history, cultural studies, and the humanities. Contributions in the volume discuss how we feel/taste/smell/see/hear law within the synesthetic scope of legal interpretation, legal consciousness and legal culture. The collection examines aspects of embodiment, place, and presence that constitutively frame law amidst social, cultural, and historical contexts.

Jurisprudence, eBooks
Notes on Contributors
1.Exploring Layers of Law and the Sensory at the Volcano
[Sarah Marusek]
2.What Legal Rules are Suitable for Protruding Media of Law and Why? Contribution to the Concept of Locality/Non-Locality of Legal Rules
[Michał Dudek]
3.From Waste Management to Recycling: Constructing Mental Health Policy in the Kingdom of Tonga
[Timothy P. Fadgen]
4.What Law Tastes Like: A Free Conjecture on the Palate of Juridicity
[Marcílio Franca and Maria Francisca Carneiro (English Translation by Caio Martino)
5.How to Dance to the Law: Engaged Embodiment in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
[Christopher Lauer]
6.A Tale of Outsourcing: The Enhanced Presence and Absence of Law through the Senses
[Yue Ang]
7.‘Do Not Touch’: Prohibitions on Touch and the Incarcerated Female Body
[Marilyn M. Brown]
8.Deconstruction and Bio-politics: Asymmetrical Visuality, Spacing, Power
[Chris Lloyd]
9.Artistic Flash: Sketching the Courtroom Trial
[Anita Lam]
10.Dependency and Care in Peirce’s Training of Reasoning
[Celia Bardwell-Jones]
11."Warmth" in Justice: (Re)semiotization of "Frozen Embryo" in the Civil Case of the Four Shidu Parents
[Liping Zhang and Xian Zhou]
12.The Copyright of my Sensorimotor Experience
[Kristian Bankov]
13.An Incitement to Rapey Discourse: Blurred Lines and the Erotics of Protest
[Ummni Khan]
14."The Map is Not the Territory": Thoughts About Synesthesia and Law
[John Brigham]

Series: Law, Language and Communication

Social Media in Legal Practice ISBN 9780367347727
Published October 2020
The Analysis of Legal Cases: A Narrative Approach ISBN 9780415788939
Published July 2019
Synesthetic Legalities: Sensory Dimensions of Law and Jurisprudence
Edited by: Sarah Marusek
ISBN 9781472482952
Published November 2016