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Routledge International Handbook of Restorative Justice (eBook)

Edited by: Theo Gavrielides

ISBN13: 9781317041795
Published: August 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This up-to-date resource on restorative justice provides scholars, practitioners, students and policymakers from around the world with a comprehensive and authoritative review of original research in new and contested areas.

Bringing together contributors from across a range of jurisdictions, disciplines and legal traditions, this edited collection provides a concise, but critical review of existing theory and practice in restorative justice. Authors identify key developments, theoretical arguments and new empirical evidence, evaluating their merits and demerits, before turning the reader’s attention to further concerns informing and improving the future of restorative justice. Divided into four parts, the Handbook includes papers written by leading scholars on new theory, empirical evidence of implementation, critiques and the future of restorative justice.

This companion is essential reading for scholars of restorative justice, criminology, social theory, psychology, law, human rights and criminal justice, as well as researchers, policymakers, practitioners and campaigners from around the world.

Jurisprudence, eBooks
Preface and Acknowledgments - Theo Gavrielides
Foreword - Howard Zehr
The Future of restorative justice - John Braithwaite

Chapter 1: Looking at the past of restorative justice: Normative reflections on its future - Carolyn Boyes-Watson
Chapter 2: Pushing the theoretical boundaries of restorative justice: Non- sovereign justice in radical political and social theories - Giuseppe Maglione
Chapter 3: Human rights and restorative justice - Ann Skelton
Chapter 4: Beyond restorative justice: Social justice as a new objective for criminal justice - Nestor E. Courakis and Theo Gavrielides
Chapter 5: Returning to indigenous traditions of peacemaking and peacekeeping: From Jirga (TDR) to restorative justice (ADR) in Pakistan - Ali Gohar
Chapter 6: Finding a normative place for a recast restorative principle of peacemaking - Robert E. Mackay
Chapter 7: Recovery and restorative justice: Systems for generating social justice - Anna Kawalek, Michael Edwards and David Best

Chapter 8: Victims and offenders' perceptions and experiences of restorative justice: The evidence from London, UK - Theo Gavrielides
Chapter 9: Victims and restorative justice: Bringing theory and evidence together - Arthur Hartmann
Chapter 10: Restorative justice and child sexual abuse - Karen J. Terry
Chapter 11: Complex cases of restorative justice after serious crime: Creating and enabling spaces for those with disability - Jane Bolitho
Chapter 12: Restorative policing for the 21st century: Historical lessons for future practice - Kerry Clamp
Chapter 13: Restorative justice and gender differences in intimate partner violence: The evidence - Anne Hayden
Chapter 14: Evaluating the success of restorative justice conferencing: A values-based approach - Jonathan Doak and David O’Mahony
Chapter 15: Introducing restorative practice in healthcare settings - Janine Carroll and Dan Reisel
Chapter 16: Traffic congestion and road rage: A restorative case study to road sharing - Marian Liebmann
Chapter 17: Restorative justice in universities: Case studies of what works with restorative responses to student misconduct - David R. Karp and Megan Schachter
Chapter 18: Restorative justice re-entry planning for the imprisoned: An evidence-based approach to recidivism reduction - Lorenn Walker and Janet Davidson
Chapter 19: Architecture and restorative justice: Designing with values and well-being in mind - Barb Toews

Chapter 20: Restorative interventions in Chinese communities: Cultural-specific skills and challenges - Dennis S W WONG and Wendy C.Y. Lui
Chapter 21: Is changing lenses possible? The Chilean case study of integrating restorative justice into a hierarchical criminal justice system - Isabel Ximena González Ramírez
Chapter 22: Is restorative justice possible through the eyes of lay people? A Polish evidence-based case study - Anna Matczak
Chapter 23: Restorative justice as a colonial project in the disempowerment of Indigenous peoples - Juan Marcellus Tauri
Chapter 24: Does Restorative Justice Reduce Recidivism? Assessing Evidence and Claims about Restorative Justice and Reoffending - Ellie Piggott and William Wood
Chapter 25: Restorative justice compared to what? - Annalise Acorn

Chapter 26: Restorative justice and the therapeutic tradition: Looking into the future - Gerry Johnstone
Chapter 27: True representation: The implications of restorative practices for the future of democracy - Ted Wachtel
Chapter 28: The best is yet to come: Unlocking the true potential of restorative practice - Terry O'Connell
Chapter 29: The new generation of restorative justice - Carl Stauffer and Johonna Turner
Chapter 30: Transforming powers and restorative justice - George Pavlich
Chapter 31: Extending the reach of restorative justice - Martin Wright

Epilogue: Restorative justice with care and responsibility - Theo Gavrielides