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The Crimes of Wildlife Trafficking: Issues of Justice, Legality and Morality (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781317008583
Published: January 2019
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This book examines trade and trafficking in endangered animal species and how the trade increasingly puts large numbers of nonhuman species at risk. Focusing on illegal trafficking, the book also discusses the harmful aspects of the trade and trafficking which is taking place in concordance with laws and regulations. Drawing on the findings of empirical research from Norway and Colombia, the study discusses how this global, transnational trend is addressed, and features of the trade and the ways in which it is controlled in the two case study locations. It also explores the motives driving the trade, and the consequences in terms of animal abuse and environmental harm. The book discusses whether internationally agreed measures, such as international conventions, actually help prevent the trade. Possible ways to address the harms of wildlife trade are considered, including a total ban. The work draws on a green criminology and eco feminist theoretical framework to provide a broad perspective on concepts such as harm, animal rights, species justice and speciesism.

Criminology, eBooks
Chapter 1: Introduction to the legal and illegal abduction, theriocide and trafficking of endangered animals
Chapter 2: Methodology and ecophilosophical orientation
Chapter 3: Animals and animal products trafficked to Norway
Chapter 4: Court cases exemplifying the variations of wildlife trade and animal abuse
Chapter 5: Trafficking within Norway and from Norway to other countries
Chapter 6: The enforcement of CITES in Norway from the perspective of CITES control agencies
Chapter 7: The keeping of exotic reptiles in Norway
Chapter 8: Summary of the Norwegian case study
Chapter 9: Wildlife trafficking in Colombia
Chapter 10: The animal victims in Colombia and how they are abused
Chapter 11: Responses to wildlife trafficking by the Colombian authorities
Chapter 12: How to respond to the harms of wildlife trafficking
Chapter 13: Animal victimization in Norway and Colombia
Chapter 14: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the wildest of them all?