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Constitutional Change through Euro-Crisis Law (eBook)

Edited by: Thomas Beukers, Bruno de Witte, Claire Kilpatrick

ISBN13: 9781316884782
Published: June 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Constitutional Change through Euro-Crisis Law contains a comparative constitutional analysis of the impact of a very broad range of euro-crisis law instruments on the EU and national constitutions. It covers contrasting assessments of the impact of euro-crisis law on national parliaments, various types of criticism on the EU economic governance framework, different views on what is needed to improve the multilevel system of economic governance, and valuable insights into the nature of emergency discourse in the legislative arena and of the spillover from the political to the judicial sphere. In addition, it deals with how bailout countries, even if part of the same group of euro area Member States subject to a programme, have reacted differently to the crisis.

EU Law, eBooks
1. Constitutional change through Euro-crisis law: taking stock, new perspectives and looking ahead Thomas Beukers, Bruno de Witte and Claire Kilpatrick

Part I. Reconstructing the European Space for Economic Governance:
2. The European fiscal consolidation legal framework: its impact on national fiscal constitutions and parliamentary democracy Violeta Ruiz Almendral
3. A multi-level playing field for economic policy-making: does EU economic governance have impact? Paivi Leino and Janne Salminen
4. Creation and reform of independent fiscal institutions in EU member states: incomplete and insufficient work in progress? Diane Fromage
5. Differentiated integration from the perspective of non-Euro area member states Thomas Beukers and Marijn van der Sluis

Part II. National Constitutional Manifestations of Economic Emergency:
6. Greece: constitutional deconstruction and the loss of national sovereignty Afroditi Marketou
7. Spain: dealing with the economic emergency through constitutional reform and limited parliamentary intervention Leticia Diez-Sanchez
8. Constitutional change through emergency decrees: the abolition of provinces in Italy Leonardo Pierdominici
9. Ireland: traditional procedures adapted for economic emergency Stephen Coutts

Part III. Constitutional Judicial Challenges to Euro-Crisis Law:
10. Legitimacy through adjudication: the ESM treaty and the fiscal compact before the national courts Jan-Herman Reestman
11. Constitutions, social rights and sovereign debt states in Europe: a challenging new area of constitutional inquiry Claire Kilpatrick.