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Police Use of Force Under International Law

ISBN13: 9781316649381
Published: December 2018
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2017)
Price: £36.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781316510025

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Policing is commonly thought to be governed by domestic legal systems and not international law. However, various international legal standards are shown to have an impact in situations where police use force.

Police Use of Force under International Law explores this tension in detail for the first time. It critically reviews the use of force by law enforcement agencies in a range of scenarios: against detainees, during protests, and in the context of counterterrorism and counterpiracy operations. Key trends, such as the growing use of private security services, are also considered.

This book provides a human rights framework for police weaponry and protection of at-risk groups based on critical jurisprudence from the last twenty years. With pertinent case law and case studies to illustrate the key principles of the use of force, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in policing, human rights, state use of force or criminology.

Public International Law, Police and Public Order Law
1. A history of law enforcement
2. Policing and social and economic policy
3. Core principles governing use of force for law enforcement
4. Use of firearms
5. Use of 'less-lethal' weapons
6. Facilitating peaceful protest and ensuring crowd safety during assemblies
7. Use of force in custodial settings
8. Use of force in counterterrorism
9. Private security and use of force
10. Counterpiracy at sea
11. Accountability