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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Equity and Trusts in Australia 3rd ed isbn 9781009232388

Equity and Trusts in Australia 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781316621943
New Edition ISBN: 9781009232388
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780521676632
Published: October 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Incorporating recent case law developments, the second edition of Equity and Trusts in Australia provides undergraduate and Juris Doctor students with a current and accessible introduction to Australian equitable and trust law. Expanding upon first edition content, the text includes greater depth of topic discussion, explanation of key theories and terminology, while demonstrating how these are applied in practice.

Chapters including Fiduciary Obligations, Resulting Trusts and Constructive Trusts have been reworked to strengthen the text's coverage of all facets of equity and trusts law. Equity and Trusts in Australia 2nd Edition links key doctrines to their wider relationship with the law, making it a fundamental text for students embarking on this area of study for the first time.

Equity and Trusts, Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Part A: Introduction
1. An overview of equity
Part B: Equitable Remedies
2. An introduction to equitable remedies
3. Specific performance, injunctions and equitable damages
4. Monetary remedies in equity
5. Rescission, rectification and declarations
6. Bars to relief
Part C: Equity, Contract and Property
7. Equity in contract law
8. Equitable proprietary interests
9. Equitable assignments
Part D: Equitable Obligations
10. Fiduciary obligations
11. Participants in a breach of fiduciary obligation
12. Breach of confidence
Part E: Express Trusts
13. The concept of the express trust
14. Certainty requirements in the law of trusts
15. Creating an express trust
16. Trusts for charitable and non-charitable purposes
Part F: Performing the Trust
17. Trustees' duties and powers
18. Investment of trust funds
19. Trustees' rights and liabilities
Part G: Breach of Trust
20. Breach of trust: Defences and remedies
Part H: Non-consensual Trusts
22. Resulting trusts
23. Constructive trusts