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Regional Trade Agreements and the Multilateral Trading System

Edited by: Rohini Acharya

ISBN13: 9781316614013
Published: September 2016
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £65.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781107161641

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This volume contains a collection of studies examining trade-related issues negotiated in regional trade agreements (RTAs) and how RTAs are related to the WTO's rules.

While previous work has focused on subsets of RTAs, these studies are based on what is probably the largest dataset used to date, and highlight key issues that have been negotiated in all RTAs notified to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). New rules within RTAs are compared to rules agreed upon by WTO members.

The extent of their divergences and the potential implications for parties to RTAs, as well as for WTO members that are not parties to RTAs, are examined. This volume makes an important contribution to the current debate on the role of the WTO in regulating international trade and how WTO rules relate to new rules being developed by RTAs.

International Trade
Part I. Trade in Goods and Services:
1. Market access provisions on trade in goods in regional trade agreements Jo-Ann Crawford
2. Preferential rules of origin in regional trade agreements Maria Donner Abreu
3. Trade facilitation under the RTA umbrella: origins and evolution Nora Neufeld
4. Do regional anti-dumping regimes make a difference? Jean-Daniel Rey
5. Mapping of safeguard provisions in regional trade agreements Jo-Ann Crawford, Jo McKeagg and Julia Tolstova
6. Cross-cutting issues in regional trade agreements: sanitary and phytosanitary measures Lee Ann Jackson and Hanna Vitikala
7. Technical barriers to trade provisions in regional trade agreements: to what extent do they go beyond the WTO TBT Agreement? Ana Cristina Molina and Vira Khoroshavina
8. Services rules in regional trade agreements: how diverse and/or creative are they compared to the multilateral rules? Pierre Latrille

Part II. Other Provisions:
9. Intellectual property provisions in regional trade agreements: revision and update Raymundo Valdes and Maegan McCann
10. Mapping of dispute settlement mechanisms in regional trade agreements - innovative or variations on a theme? Claude Chase, Alan Yanovich, Jo-Ann Crawford and Pamela Ugaz
11. Some conclusions Rohini Acharya.