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Energy and the Environment: Exploring the Nexus under International Economic Law

ISBN13: 9781316517444
Published: April 2024
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £105.00

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Energy intersects with the environment at all stages of its life cycle by affecting nature and public health and is subject to government measures concerning low-carbon growth, energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy and ecologically safe supply of nuclear and other energy resources. This timely book provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of international economic law in regulating such an energy-environment nexus under the regimes of the WTO, the Energy Charter Treaty, regional trade agreements and investment treaties. The author discusses the international environmental and economic law foundations of this nexus and extensively examines relevant rules, jurisprudence and practices regarding trade restrictions, subsidies, technical standards, investment protection and technology policies.

This book highlights the existing gaps and 'greening' solutions within the framework of international economic law. Where relevant, it draws comparisons between trade law and investment law to show their similarities, differences and (potential) conflicts at the energy-environment interface.

Environmental Law, Energy and Natural Resources Law
1. Foundations of the Energy-Environment Nexus and International Economic Law
2. Energy Trade Control and Environmental Protection
3. Energy Subsidies and the Environment
4. Pro-Environmental Energy Standards and Trade
5. Energy Investment Regulation and the Environment
6. Energy and Green Technologies