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The Emerging Autonomous Legal Order of the Eurasian Economic Union

ISBN13: 9781316514061
Published: July 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £95.00

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In this original study of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Maksim Karliuk assesses the law, present dynamics, and the likely future development of the EAEU. Examining the Eurasian Economic Union as an attempt to encourage post-Soviet integration, this book addresses the problematic legal issues of the integration process. Using the legal order autonomy framework, Karliuk carefully selects and organises the topics included to offer readers a clear, systematic account of the most significant concerns. As well as considering theoretical issues, Karliuk suggests practical solutions to the problems identified. Besides merely outlining the present, this book develops a framework to resolve gaps and failures in current integration efforts and encourages further research into the complexities of Eurasian integration in the future.

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1. Autonomy of a legal order-Odysseus's vessel
2. The establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union
3. Supranational and intergovernmental functioning of the EAEU
4. The powers of the EAEU: from express to implied
5. Law of the union and autonomy
6. EAEU judiciary as the guardian of the autonomous legal order
7. Conclusion: What autonomy? Odysseus's vessel redux