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Law for Business Students 12th ed

ISBN13: 9781292440484
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781292272238
Published: April 2023
Publisher: Pearson Education Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £41.99

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Explore the key aspects of business law through accessible, engaging, real-life cases.

Law for Business Students, 12th edition, by Adams, Caplan and Lockwood provides you with contemporary and comprehensive coverage of the fundamental legal principles relating to the business environment. It introduces legal concepts to non-law students in a practical and engaging way through real-life cases relevant to the business world. The book offers a range of features to help you understand, apply and analyse legal concepts, including scenarios to encourage the development of opinions and application of relevant legal concepts. The 'Worth thinking about' sections provide discussion points to analyse within the classroom, while 'Exam tips' help revision practice by pointing to areas of the law which are likely to appear in exam questions.

The new edition has been thoroughly updated to cover legal developments in a range of diverse areas relevant to the core topics of law: contract (including intellectual property), tort, employment and business organisations (including formation), governance, and dissolution. It reflects the changes in the law as a result of Brexit, as well as Covid litigation arising in relation to employment rights.

This title also has a Companion Website.

Commercial Law
Table of cases
Table of statutes
Table of statutory instruments
Table of European and International legislation

Part 1: Introduction - getting started
Study skills
The nature of law
How the law is made
Resolving legal disputes

Part 2: Law of contract, agency and sale of goods
The law of contract: Offer and acceptance
The law of contract: Consideration, intention and privity
The terms of the contract at common law
Statutory terms in contracts for sale of goods and services
Defects in the contract: Misrepresentation, mistake, duress and undue influence
The consequences of illegality and incapacity: Illegality and incapacity
Discharge of the contract and remedies for breach
The law of agency

Part 3: The law of tort
The tort of negligence
Negligence and special duty situations
Product liability
Occupiers' liability, nuisance and vicarious liability

Part 4: Elements of employment law
Rights at work: The contract of employment and health and safety at work
Rights at work: Protection against discrimination in employment
Rights at work: Protection against termination of employment by wrongful and unfair dismissal including redundancy

Part 5: Introduction to company law
Business organisations
Forming a registered company
Running the company: Raising and maintaining capital
The management and governance of companies: Functions of directors, secretary and auditors
Company meetings, shareholder participation and minority protection

Part 6: General principles of intellectual property law
Statutory intellectual property protection: Copyright, designs, patents and trademarks
Common law protection of intellectual property: Passing off, malicious falsehood and breach of confidence

Appendix 1: Additional resources
Appendix 2: Worth thinking about?
Review questions - outline answers