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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Law for Business Students 11th ed isbn 9781292272245

Law for Business Students 10th ed

ISBN13: 9781292208428
New Edition ISBN: 9781292272245
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781292088938
Published: February 2018
Publisher: Pearson Education Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Alix Adams Law for Business Students is popular for explaining the law in a jargon-free, engaging style and exploring the law firmly within the business world in which it operates using real life examples.

Commercial Law
Contents ix
Publisher’s acknowledgements xviii
Preface xix
Table of cases xx
Table of statutes 00
Table of statutory instruments 00
Table of European and International legislation 00
Part 1: Introduction: getting started 1
1. Study skills 3
2. The nature of law 17
3. How the law is made 27
4. Resolving legal disputes 53
Part 2: Law of contract, agency and sale of goods 73
5. The law of contract: offer and acceptance 75
6. The law of contract: consideration, intention and privity 99
7. The terms of the contract at common law 121
8. Statutory terms in contracts for sale of goods and services 139
9. Defects in the contract: misrepresentation, mistake,
duress and undue influence 169
10. More defects: illegality and incapacity 199
11. Discharge of the contract and remedies for breach 217
12. The law of agency 251
Part 3: The law of tort 271
13. Tort liability for defective goods 273
14. Tort liability for defective services 295
15. Tort liability for premises 341
Part 4: Elements of employment law 377
16. Rights at work: the contract of employment and health and safety at work 379
17. Rights at work: protection against discrimination 403
18. Rights at work: protection against dismissal and redundancy 443
Part 5: Introduction to company law 465
19. Business organisation 467
20. Forming a registered company 489
21. Running the company: raising and maintaining capital 505
22. Daily management of the company: functions of directors, secretary
and auditors 519
23. Company meetings and shareholder participation 543
Part 6: General principles of intellectual property law 557
24. Statutory intellectual property protection: copyright, designs, patents
and trade marks 559
25. Common law protection of intellectual property: Passing off,
malicious falsehood and breach of confidence 581
Appendix 1: Additional resources 598
Appendix 2: Worth thinking about? and quiz solutions 602