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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Elliott & Quinn: Criminal Law 11th ed isbn 9781292088839

Elliott & Quinn: Criminal Law 10th ed (MyLawChamber)

ISBN13: 9781292015552
New Edition ISBN: 9781292088839
Published: July 2014
Publisher: Pearson Education Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Criminal Law clearly sets out the key topics your students will need to understand, unpicking the relevant case and statute law, whilst discussing the issues and academic debates that inevitably arise from this contentious area of law. The authors also provide criticism of the current law as well as discussion around reform.

This package includes a physical copy of Criminal Law, 10/e by Elliott & Quinn as well as access to the eText and MyLawChamber. MyLawChamber is a complete online teaching and learning platform designed to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts, and by providing educators with a robust set of tools for easily gauging and addressing the performance of students. MyLawChamber engages students with high-quality multimedia learning experiences that help law students excel. In every exercise, students receive immediate feedback so they see mistakes right away, learn precisely which concepts are holding them back, and master concepts through targeted practice.

Criminal Law
1. Elements of a crime
2. Strict liabilty
3. Murder
4. Voluntary manslaughter
5. Involuntary manslaughter
6. Non-fatal offences against the person
7. Sexual offences
8. Non-fraudulent property offences
9. Fraudulent property offences
10. Inchoate offences
11. Accomplices
12. Corporate liability
13. General defences
14. Codification of the criminal law