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Revaluing Care in Theory, Law & Policy: Cycles and Connections

Edited by: Rosie Harding, Ruth Fletcher, Chris Beasley

ISBN13: 9781138943193
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £150.00

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In light of contemporary debates and challenges, this book introduces a new framework for articulating the value of care. Existing work on care has cohered around three key themes: the need to value caring and domestic labour in law and society; the utility of a feminist ethics of care; and latterly, the limitations of care as a normative and conceptual framework.

The proposed collection expands these themes: both theoretically, and in a movement beyond the usual focus on familial interconnection, to also include professional care contexts, care by strangers, and care for and about animals. Containing eighteen original analyses of care practices across a range of interdisciplinary and international contexts, it formulates a more nuanced 'cycles' approach to care that captures how subjects move between instances of care-receiving and care-giving.

In this respect, the book proposes an approach to care that centralises embodied experiences of responsiveness and affect - both in relation to caring for and caring about different people, practices and places.

Social Work
1. Ruth Fletcher, Rosie Harding, Sue Westwood and Chris Beasley, Introduction: Cycles of Care

Part A: Spaces
2. Loretta Baldassar, Mobilities as a new paradigm for revaluing care in family life: issues and challenges
3. Ruth Fletcher, Closing the distance? Care, strangeness and support for travelling abortion seekers
4. Caroline Hunter, Caring for the homeless: Westminster City Council and anti-homeless bye-laws
5. Sue Westwood, 'Institutions, they're very straight. My god I hope I don't have to go into a care home': Spatial dislocations produced by older age care needs

Part B: Bodies
6. Abigail Baim-Lance, Car(ry)ing On: Care as temporal embodiment in the shadow of a South African -HIV/AIDS global health intervention
7. Chris Beasley & Mary Holmes, New Directions in Intimacy?: Care, sexuality and older people in residential care facilities'
8. Laura Grenfell, Courts, Care and Bodies: Is the Parens Patriae Jurisdiction a 'Jurisdiction of Care'?
9. Elizabeth Peel, "It's terrible to think that your own mother doesn't know you": Exploring accounts of caring for a parent with dementia'

Part C: Subjects
10. Damien Riggs, Clemence Due and Clare Bartholomaeus, Terms of Endearment
11. Lester Watson, Research with young people who care for a family member: A poststructural perspective
12. Helen Carr, Caring at the borders of the human: Companion animals and the homeless
13. Marie Fox, Caring with and for animals
14. Jenny Baker, Margaret Allen and Maureen Dyer, Paths to social caring: researchers consider their journeys

Part D: Rights
15. Rosie Harding, Care as Relationality: Supported decision-making under the UN CRPD
16. Alice Margaria, Enhancing Paternal Care as a Means of Revaluing Maternal Care: Human Rights and Family-Work Reconciliation
17. Ann Stewart, Wages for Caring?
18. Olivia Smith, Towards a 'Reasonable' level of State Support for Care? Constitutionalism, Care Work and the Common Good in Ireland

Series: Social Justice

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