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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Mooting: The Definitive Guide to a Key Legal Skill 2nd ed isbn 9781032473482

Mooting: The Definitive Guide

ISBN13: 9781138851160
New Edition ISBN: 9781032473482
Published: July 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print
Paperback edition out of print, ISBN13 9781138851177

Mooting offers an excellent opportunity to develop your skills in a fun, interactive and challenging way. Participation in mooting can lead to improved academic performance, enhancing your knowledge and your ability to handle legal materials as well as the improving the power of your persuasive argument – vital skills which will enhance your profile for prospective employers.

In this book, Eric Baskind provides a seamless and comprehensive examination of the various areas involved in mooting and advocacy combining both theoretical and practical aspects of mooting as well as the organisation of and participation in mooting competitions.

Online video footage of actual moots brings the practical nature of mooting alive and will give you expert advice and analysis of successful mooting technique as well as tips for improvement. Each moot video is frozen at various points of interest to provide expert commentary and analysis of the mooter’s presentation, identifying the mooter’s strengths and weaknesses and how successfully they use cases and other materials to support their argument.

These sections will then be re-enacted incorporating the suggestions for improvements to help you to see how the overall performance could have been improved.

This definitive guide will equip you with a complete grasp of mooting from the initial preparatory stages through to advocacy in the moot itself.

Part 1: Preliminary Issues
1. Introduction to Mooting
2. Key Aspects of the English Legal System

Part 2: Ppreparing Your Moot
3. Legal research and case preparation
4. The Skeleton Argument
5. Authorities and Bundles

Part 3: Practising Your Moot
6. Lawyers’ skills: Advocacy, Presentation and Personal skills

Part 4 –
Participating in the Moot
7. Participating in the Moot

Part 5: Organising a Moot
8. Organising a Moot or Mooting Competition
9. Judging a Moot 10. Sample Moot Problems

Part 6: Interactive Videos - Analysing Live Moots

Part 7: Useful Resources