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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Unlocking Company Law 4th ed isbn 9781138308558

Unlocking Company Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781138783881
New Edition ISBN: 9781138308558
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781444171013
Published: March 2015
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Unlocking Company Law is the ideal textbook for anyone new to the study of company law, providing you with an indispensable foundation in the subject. The clear, accessible writing style and carefully-presented learning tools will ensure that you grasp the main concepts with ease. Unlocking Company Law has been designed specifically to make the law accessible. Each chapter opens with a list of aims and objectives, contains activities such as quick quizzes and self-test questions and diagrams to aid learning. Cases and judgments are prominently displayed, as are quotations, helping you to use and understand the sources of the law. Key facts charts help you consolidate your knowledge and check your understanding of each chapter and a glossary defines and explains unfamiliar legal terminology. To help you succeed in your assessments, essay and problem questions and answer plans feature throughout the text, together with cases and materials exercises to help you develop your skills in understanding and applying legal authority.

New to this Edition:

  • Expanded sections on the corporate veil in chapter 3, including consideration and analysis of recent case law in this area such as VTB Capital plc v Nutritek International Corp and others [2013] UKSC and Prest v Petrodel Resources Limited & Others [2013] UKSC 34
  • Expanded chapter on Corporate Governance (formerly Governance of the Company), including more comprehensive consideration of the principles of corporate governance such as shareholder primacy, stakeholder theory and enlightened shareholder value.
  • Extended coverage of fixed charges and floating charges within chapter on Financing a Company Updated chapters on Directors' Duties, to encompass enhanced coverage of s. 172, one of the key changes to directors' duties introduced by the Companies Act 2006 as well as recent case law, including Madoff Securities v Raven; Eclairs Group v JKX Oil; and Sharma v Sharma

Company Law
1. Introduction to company law
2. Legal structures of business organisations
3. The company as a distinct legal person
4. Company formation and linked issues
5. The constitution of the company
6. Financing a company
7. Shareholders, shares and share capital
8. Capital maintenance and distributions
9. Governance of the company
10. Legally binding the company
11. Directors' duties: General considerations and management duties
12. Directors' duties: Self-interest duties
13. Directors' duties: Remedies and reliefs and director disqualification
14. Minority shareholder protection
15. Restructuring, rescuing troubled companies and takeovers
16. Winding up and Dissolution of a Company
17. Transparency