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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Chern on Dispute Boards: Practice and Procedure 4th ed isbn 9780367085957

Chern on Dispute Boards: Practice and Procedure 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781138781733
New Edition ISBN: 9780367085957
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780470670330
Published: April 2015
Publisher: Informa Law from Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Chern on Dispute Boards examines the law of dispute boards and their development internationally, while also covering procedural topics that are of particular concern to those utilising dispute boards.

It deals with advanced practitioner issues in the emerging law of dispute boards on an international scale, laying out their methods and methodology not only under the common law, but also under other legal systems such as Civil law and Shari’ah law. Excelling in describing the "how and why", this book also gives samples and/or forms of actual working dispute boards that any practitioner could use and adapt to their own needs.

Readers of this this updated third edition will have explained to them the various international formats and types of dispute boards in use today and be brought up-to-date on the ever evolving law within the field.

This book guides the reader through the complexities of actual commercial and construction disputes and their successful resolution and also presents a way forward for the dispute board members themselves to administer actual dispute boards worldwide. It is therefore, the number one guide for construction lawyers and dispute board stakeholders worldwide.

Construction Law
1. The Dispute Board Concept
2. Type of Dispute Boards
3. Legal Basis for Dispute Boards
4. Case Histories
5. Appointing and Establishing a Dispute Board
6. Selection of a Dispute Board
7. Referral to a Dispute Board
8. Elements of a Referral
9. Site Visits
10. The Hearing Process
11. Board Member Conflicts
12. Removal of Board Members
13. Dispute Boards - Use, Training & Current Practice
14. Development Banks
15. Additional Forms