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The Financial War on Terror: A Review of Counter-terrorist Financing Strategies Since 2001

ISBN13: 9781138708310
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2015)
Price: £51.00
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415640381

Despatched in 3 to 5 days.

This book defines and identifies the so-called "financial war on terror". It provides a critical review of the impact of counter-terrorist financing strategies and measures in a number of jurisdictions as well as those enacted by international organizations.

The book analyses the measures introduced by the United Nations, including the UN sanctions against terrorists and the operation of its anti-terrorist sanctions committees. The 'Special Recommendations' of the Financial Action Task Force are also considered.

Detailed commentary of the counter-terrorist financing measures of the European Union and the Council of Europe is included. Particular attention is paid to the Framework Decisions on Combating Terrorism, the Council Common Positions on Combating Terrorism and the EU Anti-Terrorism Sanctions Regime.

The book then goes onto to review the measures put in place in the US following September 11th 2001. The roles of the of the Department of Treasury, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and the Office of Foreign Assets Control are assessed along with the merger of its anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing policies.

Looking to the UK Nicholas Ryder considers the UK's history of implementing counter-terrorist financing measures which were used against terrorist groups in Northern Ireland. He then goes on to explore the evolution of the UKs counter-terrorist financing measures to the recent measures against Islamic terrorist groups. The book also explores the counter-terrorist financing measures adopted in Switzerland and the impact of the financial war on terror in Saudi Arabia.

The book highlights the levels of compliance in each of the selected jurisdictions with the requirements of the "financial war on terror". Offering a much-needed legal analysis of the measures enacted under the "financial war on terror" this book is a valuable resource for those researching in law, terrorism studies, criminal justice, and finance.

Criminal Law, Banking and Finance
1. Introduction
2. The United Nations and Financial Action Task Force
3. The European Union
4. The United States of America I
5. The United States of America II
6. The United Kingdom I
7. The United Kingdom II
8. Switzerland
9. Saudi Arabia
10. Conclusions and Recommendations