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Enforcement of European Union Environmental Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781138701885
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2015)
Price: £54.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415659598

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Offering a detailed legal account of the various legal arrangements at EU level this book is an ideal reference tool for practitioners and legal scholars. As well as examining the principle sources of EU environmental law enforcement, it also contributes to the legal and political debates that surround the subject.

Spanning three parts, the author examines and assesses the practical impact of the legal arrangements at EU level that are used for the purpose of upholding EU environmental norms. Providing a comprehensive account of the current state of EU environmental law enforcement and developments affecting it, Enforcing European Union Environmental Law focuses on the principal sources of EU environmental law enforcement .It examines the role of the European Commission, the possibilities for private law enforcement and the responsibilities of Member State national authorities.

Key legal developments that have occurred since the first edition have been incorporated including new legislation and case-law. Particular attention is paid to the Lisbon Treaty and the ensuing establishment of a new legal architecture on the topic of Union involvement in environmental criminal policy, and the alteration of the EU treaty provisions enabling the European Commission to take legal action against EU Member States which infringe EU environmental law.

The impact of the Arhus Convention on EU environmental law enforcement is also addressed in detail focusing on the recommendations of the Århus Convention’s Compliance Committee.

Environmental Law
Part 1: The Role of the European Commission in Enforcing European Union Environmental Law
Part 2: The Role of Private Persons in Enforcing European Union Environmental Law
1. Taking Action at National Level
2. Taking Action at EU level
Part 3: The Role of Member States in Enforcing European Union Environmental Law.