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Restorative Justice Practice: A Field Guide

ISBN13: 9781138692237
To be Published: June 2025
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £31.99

Restorative Justice Practice: A Field Guide provides the reader with a practitioner’s perspective of restorative justice techniques, including discussion of each of the three major restorative justice practices—victim-offender dialogue, restorative conferencing, and peacemaking circles—as well as examples of variations and adaptations of these practices (e.g., "restorative reflection" and "surrogate victim-offender" dialogue).


  Each chapter begins with a narrative introduction providing context, and features an interview with a well-respected restorative justice practitioner with expert knowledge on the particular practice that is the focal point of the chapter. Each interview covers how the practitioner became involved in the field and how he or she chose his or her mode of practice, as well as how that mode of practice is different from others in the field. The book offers a clear, concise, and accessible collection of real-world narratives with a unified author voice providing a meaningful framework. It is useful for undergraduate and graduate students in restorative justice and victimology and others interested in working and participating in restorative justice practice.