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Shades of Grey: Domestic and Sexual Violence Against Women: Law Reform and Society

ISBN13: 9781138686052
Published: April 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2014)
Price: £51.00
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415622172

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Shades of Grey - Domestic and Sexual Violence Against Women investigates the 'hidden gender' of so-called neutral or objective legal principles that structure the law addressing violence against women. Drawing upon a range of material - from Australia and England/Wales but also from the US, Canada and European countries - the book contextualizes and critiques relevant legislation, case law, and secondary studies.

It also compares policy responses; making recommendationsfor best practice models of policy-making and law reform. Aiming to help improve government, community and legal responses to women who experience violence, Shades of Grey - Domestsic and Sexual Violence Against Women will assist law-makers, academics, policy-makers and a wider audience in understanding the complexities of violence against women, as well as the potential and the limits of law in this area.

Criminal Law
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Indeterminacy and Discretion of Law Reform
Chapter 3: The Cultural Context
Chapter 4: Domestic Violence and Criminal Law Response
Chapter 5: Domestic Violence Legislation
Chapter 6: Domestic Violence and Family Law
Chapter 7: Battered Women Who Kill
Chapter 8: Consent and Corroboration in Rape and Sexual Assault
Chapter 9: Sexual Assault Processes
Chapter 10: Partner Rape
Chapter 11: Violence Against 'Other' Women
Chapter 12: Conclusion