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Perspectives on Finance and Innovation

Edited by: James E. Daily, F. Scott Kieff, Jr. Arthur E. Wilmarth

ISBN13: 9781138685109
Published: April 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2014)
Price: £43.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781138017955

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Although much has been written about innovation in the past several years, not all parts of the innovation lifecycle have been given the same treatment. This volume focuses on the important first step of arranging financing for innovation before it is made, and explores the feedback effect that innovation can have on finance itself. The book brings together a diverse group of leading scholars in order to address the financing of innovation. The chapters address three key areas, intellectual property, venture capital, and financial engineering in the capital markets, in order to provide fresh and insightful analyses of current and future economic developments in financing innovation. Chapters on intellectual property cover topics including innovation in law-making, orphan business models, and the use of intellectual property to protect financial engineering innovations and developing intellectual property regimes in Brazil, Russia, India, and China. The book also covers the tax treatment of venture capital founders, the treatment of preferred stock by the Delaware Courts, asset-backed lending hedge funds, and corporate governance for small businesses after the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill. The book will be of interest to scholars, practitioners, and students in law, innovation, finance, and business.

Other Jurisdictions , Banking and Finance, USA
Introduction, James E. Daily, F. Scott Kieff and Arthur E. Wilmarth

Part 1: Intellectual Property and Innovation
1. Orphan Business Models: Toward a New Form of Intellectual Property, Michael Abramowicz
2. Law as a Byproduct, Larry Ribstein and Bruce Kobayashi
3. The Impact of the New World Order on Economic Development: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights System, Joseph Straus

Part 2: Venture Capital
4. First Round of Financing by Venture Capital, Yochanan Shachmurove
5. The Political and Legal Determinants of Venture Capital Investments Around the World, Stefano Bonini and Senem Alken
6. The Impact of Venture Capital on Innovation Behavior and Firm Growth, Michael Peneder
7. Savings and Innovation in the US Capital Market, Tamir Agmon, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay and Stefan Sjogren
8. Capital Cains and Entrepreneurial Entry, Victor Fleischer

Part 3: Financial Engineering in Capital Markets
9. Tweaking Governance for Small Companies after Dodd-Frank, James Cox Afterword, Peter Conti-Brown