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Corporate Power and Human Rights

Edited by: Manette Kaisershot, Nicholas Connolly

ISBN13: 9781138655027
Published: April 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781138391772

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There is ample evidence about the negative effects business activity of all types can have on the provision of human rights. Equally, there can be little doubt economic development, usually driven through business activity and trade, is necessary for any state to provide the institutions and infrastructure necessary to secure and provide human rights for their citizens. The United Nations and businesses recognise this tension and are collaborating to effect change in business behaviours through voluntary initiatives such as the Global Compact and John Ruggie’s Guiding Principles. Yet voluntary approaches are evidently failing to prevent human rights violations and there are few alternatives in law for affected communities to seek justice. This book seeks to robustly challenge the current status quo of business approaches to human rights in order to develop meaningful alternatives in an attempt to breech the gap between the realities of business and human rights and its discourse. This book was previously published as a special issue of the International Journal of Human Rights.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
1. Introduction: Corporate power and human rights
Nicholas Connolly and Manette Kaisershot
2. Corporate human rights commitments and the psychology of business acceptance of human rights duties: a multi-industry analysis
Kendyl Salcito, Chris Wielga and Burton H. Singer
3. Extreme energy, ‘fracking’ and human rights: a new field for human rights impact assessments?
Damien Short, Jessica Elliot, Kadin Norder, Edward Lloyd-Davies and Joanna Morley
4. ‘From naming and shaming to knowing and showing’: human rights and the power of corporate practice
Christian Scheper
5. Global production, CSR and human rights: the courts of public opinion and the social licence to operate
Sally Wheeler
6. These are financial times: a human rights perspective on the UK financial services sector
Manette Kaisershot and Samuel Prout
7. Company-created remedy mechanisms for serious human rights abuses: a promising new frontier for the right to remedy?
Sarah Knuckey and Eleanor Jenkin
8. Beyond the 100 Acre Wood: in which international human rights law finds new ways to tame global corporate power
Daniel Augenstein and David Kinley
9. CSR is dead: long live Pigouvian taxation
Nicholas Connolly
10. Defending corporate social responsibility: Myanmar and the lesser evil
Andrew Fagan