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Russian Youth: Law, Deviance, and the Pursuit of Freedom 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781138558977
Published: February 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £53.99

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In the generation that has passed, what have we learned about the rule of law, legality, legal reasoning, and deviance in Russia? And what about the general subject of legal socialization—how young people learn about rules, norms, and laws; what their attitudes about rules and laws are; and, if and whether this knowledge and these attitudes shape their behavior? The second edition of Russian Youth asks and answers these questions.

Other Jurisdictions , Russian Federation
Introduction to the Second Edition
1. Legal Socialization in Disparate Legal Contexts
2. Foundations for the Study of Legal Socialization
3. Law and Law Reform
4. Crime, Delinquency, and Youth Problems
5. Corruption, the Shadow Economy, and Organized Crime: An Unsavory Context for Learning Legality
6. The Joys and Sorrows of Cross-Cultural Research
7. A Soviet and an American View of the Law
8. Law and Deviance through the Eyes of Russian Youth
9. Three Perspectives: American, Soviet, and Russian
10. Voices of a New Russia