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Law Made Simple 14th ed

ISBN13: 9781138488847
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780415641364
Published: February 2020
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £36.99

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This fourteenth edition of Law Made Simple marks the fiftieth year of the publication for one of the best-selling UK Law books. It is the perfect introduction to the English Legal System, and combines an overview of both the legislation and case law relating to all the foundation subjects, including Contract, Torts, Land, Trusts, Criminal, Public and EU.

Fully updated, this book acts as a clear and concise guide for students studying law at any level, and takes into account developments across the curriculum. It is suitable for students studying law at A-Level, or as an excellent background for students thinking of embarking on the study of law or related course at degree level.

English Legal System
1. Introduction
2. Sources of English law
3. The courts today
4. Procedure
5. The judiciary, law officers and the legal profession
6. Human rights and the Law of persons
7. The law of contract
8. The law of torts
9. Trusts
10. The law of property
11. The law of succession
12. Criminal law
13. European Union Law