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National Laws and International Commerce: The Problem of Extraterritoriality

ISBN13: 9781138309432
ISBN: 1138309435
Published: October 1982
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £105.00

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This Chatham House Paper, first published in 1982, examines the problem of extraterritoriality. A wide range of economic activity is subject to the laws of more than one state, yet there is little provision for resolving situations where states impose contradictory requirements. This paper is particularly concerned with four areas of difficulty: extraterritorial anti-trust enforcement; overlapping regulatory claims; economic regulation for political aims; and different approaches to adjudication.

International Trade
1. Overview 2. The Effects Doctrine and Antitrust Law 3. Overlapping Claims to Regulate Multi-State Transactions 4. Economic Regulation for Political Aims 5. Adjudication in the Courts of One Nation 6. Conclusions