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Urban Commons: Rethinking the City

Edited by: Christian Borch, Martin Kornberger

ISBN13: 9781138241633
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2015)
Price: £53.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781138017245

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This book rethinks the city by examining its various forms of collectivity - its atmospheres, modes of exclusion, self-organization and governance - on the basis of a critical discussion of the notion of urban commons. The idea of the commons has received surprisingly little attention in urban theory, even though the city may well be conceived as a shared resource. Consequently, this book aims to rethink what a city might be by studying how the notion of the commons opens up new understandings of urban collectivities; addressing a range of questions about issues such as urban diversity, belonging, sexuality, subcultures, emergencies, and creativity. Urban Commons: Rethinking the City also discusses in more methodological terms how one might study the urban commons, opening up a neglected area of enquiry in cultural and legal studies. In these respects, the rethinking of the city undertaken in this book has an irreducibly critical edge, as the notion of the commons delivers new insights about how collective urban life is formed and governed. It will therefore be of great interest to those researching the city in law, urban studies, and cultural studies.

Property Law
1. Christian Borch, Ester Barinaga and Martin Kornberger Introduction: Urban Commons
2. Martina Low Managing the Urban Commons: Public Interest and the Representation of Interrelatedness and Social Ligatures
3. Jonathan Metzger The City is Not a Menschenpark: Rethinking the Tragedy of the Urban Commons beyond the Human/Non-human Divide
4. Sophie Watson Urban Public Space as a Space of Care: Against Aristotle's Notion that 'That which is Common to the Greatest Number has the Least Care Bestowed Upon It'
5. Leif Jerram Urban Space, Community Resources and the Pessimism of History: Cruel Lessons from the Twentieth Century, Cruel Conclusions for the Twenty-First Century
6. Alison Young The Street Artwork and the Urban Commons: Reading Law Written on Walls
7. Greg Nielsen Mediated Exclusions from the Urban Commons
8. Ben Anderson Emergency Life and Being-in-Common
9. Orvar Lofgren Sharing an Atmosphere in Public Places: Spaces of Commons