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The WTO and Infant Industry Promotion in Developing Countries

ISBN13: 9781138212381
Published: July 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2014)
Price: £49.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781138019553

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

The charter of the World Trade Organization (WTO) sets the tone that sustainable trade and economic development dominates multilateral trade negotiation and specific working agreements. This book examines the novel challenge for developing countries to upgrade and optimize their industrial structure and trade composition by stimulating genuinely innovative and competitive industrial strength. The book specifically explores the issue of infant industry promotion under the legal framework of the WTO treaties and case law. Taking the regulatory measures and incentives China has used to build up a large civil aircraft supplier, the book evaluates the key trade agreements relevant to infant industry promotional policies and practices, such as product regulations and standards under the 'Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade', and export promotion policies under the 'Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures'.

Juan He argues that the regulatory room prescribed by the multilateral trade rules of the WTO does not allow adequate space for developing countries to encourage new and technologically advanced areas of production and trade. The author concludes by suggesting ways in which WTO rules could be modified to help enable developing countries’ industrialization. In doing so, the book highlights a need to investigate how localized and international policy trends can be reconciled and enhanced towards the common goal of development.

The book will be of great interest to scholars and students of international trade law, Chinese studies, international political economy, and of great use to government agencies responsible for internal trade and industrial policy decisions.

International Trade
1. Introduction

Part 1: Infant industry promotion in the WTO context
2. Infant Industry Promotion and the WTO in Historical Perspective
3. Infant Industry Promotion and the Government Role in the WTO

Part 2: Impact of multilateral trade agreements and evolving jurisprudence
4. GATT 1994: No Retreat to Import-Substituting Industrialization
5. SCM: Graduation from Ostensible Export Subsidization
6. TBT/SPS: Technical Barriers and the Standardization Strategy
7. TRIPS: Pursuing An Intellectual Property Right Law Balance

Part 3: A contemporary challenge interacting with the WTO prospect
8. Putting Into Perspective: China’s Large Civil Aircraft Manufacturing and Trade
9. Contemporary Challenges for International Trade Regulation