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EU Human Rights and Democratization Policies: Achievements and Challenges

Edited by: Felipe Gomez Isa, Cristina Churruca, Jan Wouters

ISBN13: 9781138086869
Published: May 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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Though the EU has tried to place human rights and democracy at the heart of its external action, there are serious concerns about its capacity to have a significant impact on the situation of human rights and human rights defenders as well as on the democratization processes taking place in different regions of the world.

This edited volume sheds light on the achievements of EU policies and programmes in the field of human rights and democracy, also taking into account the challenges ahead. Analyzing the changing global context’s effect on the ability of the EU to have a meaningful impact in the field of human rights and democratization, it examines relevant policies and programmes of the EU to see their impact on the ground. Combining various methodologies, the authors examine primary agreements and other EU documents, secondary sources (such as evaluations of EU’s policies and programmes) in the field of human rights and democracy promotion, and have interviewed EU officials, academics and other key stakeholders. From these the book sheds light on specific programmes such as the EIDHR, the EOM and the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders, illuminating the increasingly hostile environment to work for human rights and democracy in a number of countries.

This text will be of key interest to scholars and students of EU human rights and law, to practitioners in Europe and beyond, and more broadly to EU studies, democracy studies, and international relations.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
EU Human Rights and Democratization Policies: An Introduction [Felipe Gómez Isa, Cristina Churruca and Jan Wouters]

1. EU Human Rights and Democratization Policies in a Changing World [Felipe Gómez]
2. The New Legal and Institutional Architecture after Lisbon [Jan Wouters]

3. Human Rights and Democracy at the Heart of the EU’s Foreign Policy? An Assessment of the EU’s Comprehensive Approach to Human Rights and Democratization [Cristina Churruca]
4. The Search for Coherence in the EU’s Human Rights Policy and Discourse [Dolores Morondo]
5. Localizing Human Rights in the European Union. Principles and Challenges [Arne Vandenbogaerde]

6. The Contribution of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) to the Implementation of the EU Human Rights Agenda [Wolfgang Benedek]
7. On the Effectiveness of the Election Observation Missions of the European Union [Markku Suksi]
8. A Protection Regime in Need of Committed Action: European Union Support for Human Rights Defenders [Karen Bennett]
9. The Development and Promotion of Global Business and Human Rights Norms: How Far is it the EU Prepared To Go? [Nicolas Hachez]

Conclusions [Felipe Gómez Isa, Cristina Churruca and Jan Wouters]