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Routledge Handbook of War, Law and Technology

Edited by: James Gow

ISBN13: 9781138084551
Published: June 2019
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £220.00

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This volume provides an authoritative, cutting-edge resource on the characteristics of both technological and social change in warfare in the 21st century, and the challenges such change presents to international law.

The character of contemporary warfare has recently undergone significant transformation in several important respects: the nature of the actors, the changing technological capabilities available to them, and the sites and spaces in which war is fought. These changes have augmented the phenomenon of non-obvious warfare, making understanding warfare one of the key challenges. Such developments have been accompanied by significant flux and uncertainty in the international legal sphere. This handbook brings together a unique blend of expertise, combining scholars and practitioners in science and technology, international law, strategy and policy, in order properly to understand and identify the chief characteristics and features of a range of innovative developments, means and processes in the context of obvious and non-obvious warfare. The handbook has six thematic sections:

  • Law, War and Technology
  • Cyber Warfare
  • Autonomy, Robotics and Drones
  • Synthetic Biology
  • New Frontiers
  • International Perspectives.
This interdisciplinary blend and the novel, rich and insightful contribution that it makes across various fields will make this volume a crucial research tool and guide for practitioners, scholars and students of war studies, security studies, technology and design, ethics, international relations and international law.

Public International Law
1. Introduction: Technological Innovation, Non-Obvious Warfare and Challenges to International Law Rachel Kerr
Part I: Law, War and Technology
2. Obvious and Non-Obvious: the Changing Character of Warfare James Gow and Ernst Dijxhoorn
3. Weapons Review and New Technology Bill Boothby
4. A Defence Technologist’s View of IHL Tony Gillespie
5. Can the Law Regulate the Humanitarian Effects of New Technologies? Brian Rapper
PartII: Cyber Warfare
6. Computer Network Attacks Under the Jus ad Bellum and the Jus in Bello: ‘Armed’ – Effects and Consequences James Gow and Elaine Korzak
7. Computer Network Attacks Under the Jus ad Bellum and the Jus in Bello: Distinction, Proportionality and Attribution Elaine Korzak and James Gow
8. Proportionality in Cyber-Targeting Marco Roscini
9. Digital Intelligence and Armed Conflict after Snowden Sir David Omand
10. Cyber Security and the Human Factor James Gow
Part III: Autonomy, Robotics and Drones
11. Autonomy of Humans and Robots Thrishanta Nannayakkara
12.Autonomous Agents and Command Responsibility Jack McDonald
13. Legal-Policy Challenges of Armed Drones and Autonomous Weapon Systems Matthew Waxman and Kenneth Anderson
14. The ‘Robots Don’t Rape’ Controversy Maziar Homaynoujenad
15. Humanity and Lethal Robots — An Engineering Perspective Tony Gillespie
Part IV: Synthetic Biology
16. Bio-technological Innovation, Non-Obvious Warfare and Challenges to International Law Christopher Lowe
17.Synthetic Biology and the Biological Weapons Convention Filippa Lentzos and Cecile Hellestveit
18.A threat assessment of biological weapons: past, present and future Matteo Bench
19. Challenges in Regulation: The synthetic biology dilemma — dual use and the limits of academic freedom Guglielmo Verdirame and Matteo Bencic
Part V: New Frontiers
20.Space Warfare and the Challenge to International Law Bleddyn Bowen
21. Space and Private Companies: Consequences for Global Security Pawel Frankowski
22. Biometrics and Human Security James Gow and Georg Gassauer
23. Future War Crimes and the Military (1): Cyber Warfare James Gow and Ernst Dijxhoorn
24. Future War Crimes and the Military (2): Autonomy and Synthetic Biology James Gow and Ernst Dijxhoorn
25. Future War Crimes and Prosecution: Gathering Digital Evidence Maziar Homaynoujenad
Part VI: International Perspectives
26. The Russian Concept of Information Warfare Oscar Jonsson
27. Unconventional Warfare and Technological Innovation in Islam: Ethics and Legality Ariane Tabatabai
28. France and Cyber-War Anne-Marie Le Gloannec and Fleur Richard-Tixier
29. The US, the UK, Russia and China: Regulating Cyber Attacks under International Law: Developments at the United Nations Elaine Korzak
30. The US, the UK, Russia and China: Regulating Cyber Attacks under International Law: the Potential for Dedicated Norms Elaine Korzak