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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Evidence: Law and Context 6th ed isbn 9781032542775

Evidence: Law and Context 5th ed

ISBN13: 9781138054998
New Edition ISBN: 9781032542775
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780415737630
Published: March 2018
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Evidence: Law and Context explains the key concepts of evidence law in England and Wales clearly and concisely, set against the backdrop of the broader political and theoretical contexts. The book focuses on the essential topics commonly found on Evidence courses covering both criminal evidence and civil evidence. It takes a contextual approach discussing how wider policy debates and societal trends have impacted upon the recent evolution of the law in order to provide students with an explanation as to how and why the law has developed.

The fifth edition has been revised to include: coverage of R v Hunter 2015 and its impact on good character evidence; developments in procedures relating to young and vulnerable witnesses; and more in depth coverage of key cases.

Learning points summarise the major principles and rules covered and practical examples are used throughout the text to give better understanding as to how the technical rules are applied in practice. Self-test questions are included in the book helping students to test their understanding and prepare for assessment.

Well-written, clear and with a logical structure throughout, it contains all the information necessary for any undergraduate evidence law module.

1. Introduction
2. The Adversarial Trial
3. The Burden and Standard of Proof
4. Witnesses I Competency and Compellability
5. Witnesses II Vulnerable Witnesses
6. Witnesses III Examination and Cross-examination
7. The Privilege against Self-incrimination and the right to Silence
8. Confession Evidence
9. Improperly Obtained Evidence
10. Suspect Evidence Corroboration and Identification
11. Character Evidence
12. Hearsay Evidence
13. Opinion Evidence
14. Public Interest Immunity