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Critical Issues in Social Work Law

ISBN13: 9781137541505
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £27.99

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Written by a team of leading authorities in the field, this collection provides a critique of the law as it applies to social work practice, and identifies key contemporary issues for social work. Tackling topics such as trafficking, youth justice and child protection, the book is a valuable contribution to the debates in social work law.

Social Work
Introduction - Jane Boylan and Alison Brammer
1. Social work values, the law and the courts - Jonathan Dickens
2. Anti-Oppressive Practice and the Law - Beverley Burke and Jane Dalrymple
3. Care, vulnerability and the law - Jonathan Herring
4. Critical Issues in Social Work Law: Coercion in Social Care - Robert Johns
5. Child Protection - Kim Holt
6. Hastening slowly: does the law promote or frustrate timely adoption from care? - Sally Dowding
7. The Changing Face of Youth Justice - Martin Wasik
8. Vulnerable and intimidated witnesses: Special measures, competence, consent and cross-examination - Penny Cooper
9. Human Trafficking and Social Work Law - Tom Obokata
10. Good Review? Good Question. - Margaret Flynn and Hilary Brown